Innocent civilians the main victims of the
US/NATO so-called “war on terror” in Afghanistan

Five civilians including three children killed in NATO Afghan airstrike (October 5, 2013) NATO airstrike kills 18, including 10 children in Afghanistan (April 7, 2013) NATO airstrike kills 10 civilians, Afghans say (February 13, 2013) NATO Accused of Killing 8 Afghan Women in Airstrike (September 16, 2012) 18 civilians killed in deadly NATO air strike in Logar province (June 6, 2012)
Civilians shot dead by private security guards (May 17, 2012) Deadly Afghan-NATO raid sparks protests (May 1, 2012) U.S. troops posed with body parts of Afghan bombers (April 18, 2012) U.S. Sergeant on SEAL team shoots dead nine sleeping Afghan children before burning their bodies in deadly rampage that killed 16 (March 11, 2012) ISAF airstrike kills civilians in Kunar (July 26, 2011)
Afghan officials say NATO raid killed 6 civilians (July 14, 2011) 13 civilians killed in Khost airstrike: official (July 7, 2011) Nato airstrike kills 14 women and children in Afghanistan (May 29, 2011) Foreign soldiers kill civilian in Kabul: Residents (April 4, 2011) Foreign troops kill civilians in Maidan Wardak (May 26, 2011)
Foreign troops kill girl, police officer in Nangarhar (May 12, 2011) Afghans protest boy’s killing by U.S. forces (May 14, 2011) Afghanistan: Twelve dead at protest over Nato raid (May 18, 2011) ISAF airstrike kills road workers in Khost (April 22, 2011) Atrocities of the US kill team (March 27, 2011)
Abu Bakar, 5, killed by ISAF in Kandahar (March 13, 2011) NATO kills five civilians (February 24, 2011) Nine children were killed and one was injured by NATO (Mar 2, 2011) Afghan officials confirm 65 civilains killed in Ghaziabad of Kunar by NATO bombs (Feb. 20, 2011) 10 civilians killed by US special forces in Narang (Dec.27, 2009)
150 civilians dead in air raid of NATO in Kundoz (Oct 5, 2009) Massacare of over 120 civilians in air raid of the U.S. (May 5, 2009) Civilians Injured by US/NATO Forces in Afghanistan (Oct 19, 2009) Two Men, Two Women From a Family Killed by Coalition Forces (May 16, 2009) NATO strike kills nine civilians in Helmand (Nov 5, 2009)
US-led raid kills more than 100 civilians in Bala Baluk - Farah, May5, 2009 US-led raid kills five Afghan civilians in Bati Kot March 14, 2009, 8-year-old girl burned by white phosphorus munitions Afghan Civilians Wounded by America Five poeple, including 7-day-old infant killed by US troops
Civilian killings in US raid spark protest in Khost, March 7, 2009 US troops killed 15 civilians in Herat, Feb.17, 2009 17 Afghan Civilians killed in US-led operation in Laghman, Jan.8, 2009 Nato airstrike blamed for deaths of 18 civilians in Nad Ali of Helmand, Oct.17, 2008 Victim familes mourn in Azizabad
US troops kill a man with his two kids in Kabul 22 civilians, including women and children, were killed in an air strike by U.S.-led forces eastern province of Nuristan US/NATO Bomb Kills 18 Civilians in Musa Qala US-led coalition airstrike killed 95 Afghans — including 50 children — in Azizabad in Herat Province Bride among many people killed in US bombardment of wedding party in Nangarhar
In memory of the tens of civilians massacred in Azizabad Her father, mother and sisters were killed by the US troops on April 29, 2007 Burnt children after a NATO bomb attack Six civilians killed during US raid in Khost, April 16,2008 Panjwaee massacre by NATO
Afghan government says 47 civilians killed when US bombed wedding party Panjwaee massacre by NATO US/NATO bombs kill over 50 civilans in Helmand Mohammad Khan, 9 years old victim NATO killed 45 people in Grishk on June 29, 2007
US airstrike on Afghan village kills dozens civilians. (May 23, 2006) U.S. Bomb Kills 10 in Afghan Village (October 28, 2001) A child wounded in Jalalabad due to US bombardment of residential areas US kills people in Ghani Khel, people protest, May 10, 2008 A child wounded in Jalalabad due to US bombardment of residential areas
6 houses in Qala-e-Wakel were destroyed by a US missile (October 14, 2001) 6 houses in Qala-e-Wakel were destroyed by a US missile (October 14, 2001) A child wounded in Jalalabad due to US bombardment of residential areas 8-year-old Wali Muhammad s/o M. Amin was killed. (October 22, 2002) One of 6 houses in Qala-e-Wakel that were destroyed by a US missile. (October 14, 2001)
Niaz Mohammad from Agam district of Jalalabad (December 3, 2001) 14-years old boy from Agam district in Jalalabad, a victim of the US bombs in Jalalabad (December 3, 2001) An old man wounded in Jalalabad due to US bombardment of residential areas A child wounded in Jalalabad due to US bombardment of residential areas (February 12, 2002) A person killed by the US bombs in Kabul
A person killed by the US bombs in Kabul A child wounded in Jalalabad due to US bombardment of residential areas (October 2001) US air raid kills nine children in south Afghanistan (December 8, 2003) Kabul airport was many times targeted by missiles and the US bombers. (October 7, 2001) The Red Cross storages were hit heavily, the flames could be seen from remote parts of the city. (October 16, 2001)
Many people immigrated to Pakistan or other parts of the country. According to BBC 70% of people from cities of Herat and Qandahar left for Pakistan or Iran.  (October 2001) A child wounded in Jalalabad due to US bombardment of residential areas Two bombs hit the surrounding areas of Badam Bagh (October 18, 2001) Two women interviewed by RAWA Two bombs hit the Baba Jan miliary Headquarters resulting in big explosions. Huge fire went on till 7 hours. (October 18, 2001)
People carrying the dead body of a woman. (October 21, 2001) 12-years old Sharif Jan s/o Muhammadullah was killed due to an explosion caused by unexploded cluster bomblet in Hada Farm in Jalalabad (October 22, 2002) The barrack of the Arabs (formerly called A bomb was dropped in Shahr-e-Now, though the bomb did not explode but 3 houses were destroyed due to which a woman was seriously injured. (October 18, 2001) 3 houses were destroyed in Qala-e-Zaman Khan. 5 members of one family were killed which included 4 women and a child
A child wounded in Jalalabad due to US bombardment of residential areas A child wounded in Jalalabad due to US bombardment of residential areas Kabul, Sayed Noor Mohamad Shah Mena. All people left this area becuase it is close to Taliban mailitry base (October 17, 2001) Da Keepak area in Kabul. Taliban headquarters on the way to Shamali (October 18, 2001) Explosion in Baba Jan Headquarters unit 55 (commandos)
A child wounded in Jalalabad due to US bombardment of residential areas Dead body of a young boy in a local hospital in Jalalabad who has been killed by the US bombs 2 out of tens of civilians killed in by the US bombs laying in a hospital in Jalalabad 3 children in Sahat-e-Ama Hospital (Public Health Hospital) in Jalalabad. who lost their parents in the US bombardment(October 11, 2001). A child wounded in Jalalabad due to US bombardment of residential areas
A child wounded in Jalalabad due to US bombardment of residential areas A child wounded in Jalalabad due to US bombardment of residential areas ISAF soldiers kill civilians (May 12, 2011)

Related Links:

Click here for LATEST reports on civilian killed by US/NATO

Afghan Officials: 64 Innocent Afghans Killed in US Military Operation (February 20, 2011)
US-led raid kills more than 100 civilians in Bala Baluk - Farah (May5, 2009)
In memory of 91 innocent Afghans massacred by US troops in Azizabad
Childern victims of NATO bombs (Photos)

Find out more facts and figures on the so-called "US war on terror" in Afghanistan on the
web site of Prof. Marc W. Herold
The Afghan Victim Memorial Project by Prof. Marc