On September 6th the Pakistan embassyin
Kabul was attacked by hundreds of hooligans who tried to show that theRabbani
"government" is against foreign interference in Afghanistan!
RAWA, while condemning this cowardlyact of state terrorism, believes that:
1- By attacking Pakistan embassyand other acts like this (it could be conceived in the future as well),Rabbani and his gang want to divert the attention of the Afghan peopleand particularly the mournful people of Kabul from the untold miseriescaused by the treacherous fundamentalists in the country. It is a devilishway of every anti-people and anti-democratic rule.
2- With these base acts, the self-proclaimedgovernment of Rabbani wants to cover up its internal acute contradictions,weakness and its recent defeats at the hand of its "jehadi and religious"Talib "brothers".
3- The attackers of the embassyare not but a handful of agents of the ruling butchers in Kabul who neverrepresent our people. If they had the least linkage with our bereaved people,they must have attacked the palaces where Rabbani and other criminals areresiding. If the attacker had the conscience of the ruined people of Kabul,they must, instead of any one else, have torn to pieces the chief of theRabbani’s Khad, i.e. Mr Yonus Qanoni. No movement could have a pro-independenceand anti-interference content unless it is deeply oriented against fundamentalisttraitors.
4- The growing up of the Rabbani,Gulbadin, Sayyaf and their collaborators, and their Talib "brothers-infaith" in the lap of Pakistan, Iran and Saudi Arabia is an open secret.Therefore the accusation of dependency leveled by Rabbani against Taliban,is ridiculous and just reminds us the saying that "the pot callingthe kettle black" .
5- The government of Pakistan mustrealize that the attack to its embassy is a slap in its face given by itsown policies. Pakistan had supposed that through generously supportingsuch unmatched fascist and anti-democracy elements as Gulbudin, sayyaf,Rabbani and the like, it could enjoy a pro-Pakistan government in Kabul.But Islamabad couldn’t realize that a force led by such ultra-reactionary,murderous and medieval-minded "leaders" cannot remain in a singlemaster’s chain and according to their political and material interests,very easily sell themselves to other regional or non-regional powers. Thosewho betray their own people, will never be sincere to other people. Thefundamentalists are the worst and most profligate double dealers and principle-sellers.
6- Unless the scar of the criminalfundamentalists has been removed from the face of Afghanistan and a stableand democratic government is established, the demagogic acts like the attackon embassies would be the least show of the fundamentalists terrorists.If today the embassy of Pakistan came under the attack of Rabbani’s gangsters,tomorrow it would be the turn of other embassies. It depends on that whatbrand of the fundamentalists capture the power in Kabul.
Once again expressing our disgustagainst the attack on Pakistan embassy, we persistently point out to thegovernment of Pakistan that enough is enough . It should no more damageits reputation by continuing its relation with the Afghan anti-freedom,anti-democracy and anti-woman fundamentalist parties. By taking a firmposition against the mentioned uncivilized and blood-thirsty parties, Pakistanwould be able to end the suspicion of our people in this regard.