Besides scores of humanitarian projects, RAWA has stretched its sphere of activity to include taking part in the reconstruction of the country. A large-scale construction project was conducted at the end of 2002 by RAWA members in Farah, a western province of Afghanistan. With a total budget of US$185,500, the project was financed by received donations from RAWA supporters through the Afghan Women's Mission.
The people living in Farah Province have tasted four consecutive years of severe drought and a quarter century of continuous war which has resulted in the complete interruption of their irrigation system. Their vast lands have produced nothing for years causing half the population to leave the area or even to leave the country. Fortunately with 94 kilometers of 3 water canals having been rebuilt, water is now available to irrigate 31,000 acres of land, benefiting nearly 40,000 families in 18 remote villages. Click on a photo to begin the slideshow.
The revival of irrigation in Farah will have a tremendously positive impact on food prices and income generation in the province. In addition, there will be a great psychological impact bringing hope to the people, reuniting families, and giving a sense of empowerment. With exported agricultural goods reaching other villages, cities, provinces and even countries, the impact, however, will be much greater.
In our backward country, especially rural areas, women are regarded weak and incapable of doing large or important jobs. One objective of the project was to disprove this false view of women.
This is the first project of its kind carried out by a women's group in Afghanistan and supervised by the women themselves.
RAWA and AWM extend their great appreciation and thanks to every supporter who has made this project possible.